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File Created: 31-Mar-2016 by Karl A. Flower (KAF)
Last Edit:  05-Apr-2016 by Karl A. Flower (KAF)

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Name BUCKHORN 2 Mining Division Skeena
BCGS Map 103F008
Status Showing NTS Map 103F02E
Latitude 053º 05' 11'' UTM 08 (NAD 83)
Longitude 132º 33' 02'' Northing 5884685
Easting 664041
Commodities Gold Deposit Types H : EPITHERMAL
Tectonic Belt Insular Terrane Wrangell
Capsule Geology

The Buckhorn 2 occurrence is located on the north side of Nobals Creek near Buck Point on the north western corner of Moresby Island.

The area is underlain by Upper Triassic Karmutsen Formation (Vancouver Group) basaltic volcanics overlain by Upper Triassic Sadler Formation limestone. The Karmutsen rocks are interbedded with lenses of limestone and minor argillite. A variety of felsic volcanics occur throughout the area intercalated with Karmutsen mafic volcanics. These felsic rocks may be related to the Karmutsen eruptions or may be later intrusions. A granodiorite to tonalitic pluton, probably related to the Middle Jurassic San Christoval Plutonic Suite, intrudes the strata. The Karmutsen volcanics in this area strike northwest and dip shallowly southwest.

Locally, as defined by drilling, a silicified andesite hosts pyrite as disseminations and fracture fillings. In 1979, a drill hole (BH-6) intercepted 0.2 gram per tonne gold over 3.0 metres (Assessment Report 7951).

During 1977 through 1981, Chevron Standard Ltd. completed programs of silt sampling, prospecting and percussion drilling on the area as the Buckhorn 1-3 claims.

EMPR EXPL 1979-243; 1980-372; 1981-41,245
EMPR FIELDWORK 1997, pp. 19-1-19-14
EMPR PF (unknown (unknown): Interpretation Notes - Buckhorn, J.M.T. Services Corp. (unknown): Geology - Buckhorn Gold Prospect, unknown (1977-09-26): Buckhorn Au Property, D. Arscott (1977-09-27): Re: Buckhorn Property - M466, S.S. Christie (1977-11-24): Report on Geology, Geochemistry and Economic Potential - The Buckhorn Gold Prospect, unknown (1977-12-02): Interpretation Sketch Map - Buckhorn, D.A. (1977-12-02): Interpretation Sketch Map - Buckhorn, Chevron Standard Limited (1979-01-01): Claim Map - Queen Charlotte Gold, Chevron Standard Limited (1979-01-01): Map - Hg (ppb) - Queen Charlotte Gold - M466, Chevron Standard Limited (1979-01-01): Map - As (ppm) - Queen Charlotte Gold - M466, Chevron Standard Limited (1979-01-01): Map - Lineaments - Queen Charlotte Gold - M66, Chevron Standard Limited (1979-01-01): Map - Geochemistry - Queen Charlotte Gold - M466, Chevron Standard Ltd. (1979-09-01): Sketch percussion Program - Buckhorn - M482, unknown (1980-01-01): Detail Mapping - Buckhorn Claims , H. Johnson (1980-09-01): Field Notes - Buckhorn, Chevron Standard Ltd. (1980-01-01): Shoreline Rock Sampling Log and Geochemical Lab Report - Buckhorn M482, Chevron Standard Ltd. (1980-01-01): Map Collection - Buckhorn, D.A. (1980-09-01): Shoreline Detail Sketch Map - Buckhorn, Chevron Standard Ltd. (1980-09-01): Geochemistry - Au and As - Buckhorn Claims - West Side, Chevron Standard Ltd. (1980-09-01): Geochemistry - Au and As - Buckhorn Claims - West Side - Figure 5, Chevron Standard Ltd. (1980-09-01): Geochemistry - Au and As - Buckhorn Claims - West Side - Figure 5b, Chevron Standard Ltd. (1980-09-01): Geochemistry - Au and As - Buckhorn Claims - West Side - Figure 5, Chevron Standard Ltd. (1980-09-01): Location and Profile Maps - Buckhorn, Chevron Standard Ltd. (1980-09-20): Field Sample Notes - Buckhorn, D. Arscott (1980-10-01): Field Program - September 1980 - Buckhorn M482, D. Arscott (1981-05-27): Field Notes - Buckhorn, J.M. (1981-06-26): Traverse and Sample Map - B-PF-1 to B-PF-6 - Buckhorn, unknown (1981-06-26): Sketch Maps - Buckhorn, Chevron Standard Ltd. (1981-08-10): Certificates of Geochemical Analysis - 1981 - Chevron Standard Ltd. - Buckhorn Data - M482, unknown (1981-08-19): Traverse and Sample Map - Buckhorn, D. Hodge (1981-08-19): Traverse and Sample Map - B-PF-10 to B-PF-12 - Buckhorn, Chevron Canada Resources Limited (1981-12-01): Map - Geochemistry - Buckhorn Property, Chevron Canada Resources Limited (1981-12-01): Map - Sample Location - Buckhorn Property, Chevron Canada Resources Limited (1981-12-01): Map - Geology - Buckhorn Property, Chevron Canada Resources Limited (1981-12-01): Map - Geology - Buckhorn Claims (West Side), Chevron Standard Limited (1982-01-01): Presentation: Queen Charlotte Gold - Project: M-466
GSC P 86-20; 88-1E; 89-1H, pp. 117-120; 90-10, pp. 465-487